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muhd syaMIM bin norman.
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Aidil Afiq Asyraf Puteri Arina Atiqah Ayu Dya Edlin Fadhil Faizal Farah.Shida Fatin Hafiz Hafizul Hasyimah Idris Insyirah Jannah Khairul.Afiq Kynn Kyrule Leila Liana Luqman Naqya Qistina Raudah Ros Rya Sham Sue SufyanHady Syafiqah Wani Wirna Zafierah Zahidah Zee Zuu Ain Azura Farah Fatima Hidayah Ivy Jac JayBern Kenneth Pamela Prada Nana Nurul Raudhah Sabril Sufi Teresa Widuri XinLin Aishah Amalia Ayuni Carrie Diyana Faa Fardly Hidayatul Hydil Ila Iqah Maiya Melisa Nadya Nazy PhyzaKyra Rara Shima Teresa Stanley Vic XinYi Zulfadhli Jane Audrey Zulaiha Zyk Syed Haqkhani Shazli Yanshan


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date: May 14, 2009
title: swallow that pill that they call pride.
time: 4:21 AM

woah. a month long gone. i'm so sorry for not updating. i goes i just have no idea what to blog about. or i was just lazy. mostly the latter.

alright, the past month was weird, in a fun way. i rented a canon 450D for malay cultural group's freshie orientation, and to just try it out. went around taking pictures at chinatown, clarke quay, raffles place, etc. i really want a dslr for my own, badly! the new intake for the cca was alright. and so far the drama and dikir trainings are going good. dikir guys, work harder and you guys will be prepared for this year's school competition. i have no idea whether i can play or not, since i am entering ns in september. oh, for those who didnt know, i am enlisted to civil defence and entering on the 8th of september. awesome right. the truth is, i am excited to enter ns and so cant wait for 8th september. now i guess what mom told me, that not to play with fire, will not come into play when i'm in civil defence.

clubbing in my life has been cut down. kinda getting bored of it already. but i still miss powerhouse though.

i think i am attracted to a girl(duh! cant be a guy right) who is a freshie. she is difficult to talk to, like seriously difficult to talk to, but that makes all of us human right. she is some sort mysterious but sweet. though there is a reason why she is quiet among people, hearing her story really kinda damaged her, which for any other person would feel the same. but i heard a rumour, maybe true, that someone is like kinda asking people to keep hands off of her as he might be going for her. oh wells, just rumours. though it sucks to hear that.

come to think of it, i have been deprived of love for close to one year and six months already. yes, it is awesome to be single, living the life freely and having no strings attached. but after a while, you will realise nothing beats having a close companion who you can share the fun and joy with. i aint desperate to find a love one, that wouldnt be great. but i am entering ns in four months time. i could imagine myself, being single for another two years. woah, i hope i dont turn gay. which i wont! but come to think of it, finding a loved one, and not flings, doesnt take a short time. so four months isnt enough time, especially if she needs me but i am in camp. it aint fair to her, neither it is to me. oh wells, god paved us a road and we are destined to travel on it.

but i really have a big crush on her!

i got a huge told-off from a friend. kinda messed up this thing with him and his family. i feel damn bad and i apologise for everything. but right now i am doing what i always do best. i am running and hiding.

run and hide. i guess that is my strongest, and weakest, trait i have. i can do it so easily, yet it is hard to admit it. i ran and hide when school got to me. i ran and hide when things started to fail. i ran and hide when i screw things up. that is just what i do best. i so hope after national service things will change, for the better.
what a sad post i have. oh wells, syamim is back. oh oh, i signed up for singapore idol. just to do something fun before ns. do support me if i do get through. i aint hoping to go through and all, i only have a goal in mind. i just want to get at least a yes from one of the four judges when i am auditioning. awesome it will be.

date: Apr 18, 2009
title: i'm not lost, just undiscovered.
time: 3:29 AM

i am back. sorry for not blogging for quite sometime. i have a lot to tell. i think.

i have finally gotten myself a job. all thanks to sufi, and his family. they have opened a stall at a coffeeshop at haig road and guess what. i am going to be a cook. YES A COOK! so my dear cousin afiq, you will have some competition in the future once i master the art of cooking. just joking. so today was kind of my first day. sufi and i were cutting up chickens the whole day. and i learnt how to marinate chicken! my mom is so going to be proud of me. oh, they are selling western, and when i browse through their menu, they have awesome food listed down. the whole coffeeshop officially opens tomorrow i guess. so do come do okay, its where the old banquet used to be.

the recent sentosa trip with sufi, fard, megat, najib, zul, shazli, farah and iqah went well, despite the heavy downpour in the evening. lots of pictures taken, especially thanks to fard and i. we camwhored, yes guys camwhore top, at the far end of pahlawan beach and took around 50+ photos. got scolded by farah for taking so many pictures. oh wells. im lazy to upload any pictures. altogether 200+ pictures taken in less than 2 hours. we should do another outing soon.

i am so sleepy right now. i so have to sleep as i am going to work later, and the stalls are open for business already. thank god i have sufi working with me. and later that night i might be going powerhouse. my legs are going to run away from me very soon. dreamland, here i come.


date: Apr 8, 2009
title: when animals attack, sort of.
time: 4:02 AM

well, it has been a while since i last blogged. hold on guys, i gotta dust of the cobwebs and dust bunnies forming in my blog. okay done. so anyway, a few things changed, or happened. recently went to powerhouse, on a saturday night, which i hadnt been to for quite some time. and i totally had a blast. the crowd was good, had ample space to dance and met a lot of friends whom i have not seen for a while, especially fardly. it was great to see him again. he now can move his chest muscles. damn cool i tell you, like mini man boobs.

oh ya. megat and i also went to iqa and farah's class gathering at east coast park. i guess we were the special guests for the night.

just yesterday i tagged along to the zoo wth asyraf and his friends, who are my new found friends recently, to celebrate sakinah's 20th birthday. it was a great day i can say, despite the rain and my shoe soaked when i slipped into the water. poor socks, i had to throw them away. i should have made a proper burial for those socks.

well, i am tired and sleepy and hoping manchester united will kick porto's ass. here are some pictures, five of them to be exact. goodnight world.

the birthday girl, sakinah. she is 20, but looks 17. nice girl.

i love my new banana shirt.


date: Mar 25, 2009
title: yes man!
time: 2:50 AM

i am back from genting. and live n loaded. all i can say is i am enjoying the things that are happening around me now. these past few days were awesome. great family, great holiday, great friends, etc. but as usual, i dont feel like blogging now, so let the pictures do the talking. mostly from my genting trip with my family.

she is awesome!


date: Mar 20, 2009
title: over the rainbows i will go.
time: 1:23 AM

in 5 hours time, i will be out of this house, onboard a bus to genting highlands! finally, it has been two years since i last left the country, not even to malaysia. the last time i left singapore was to switzerland in dec 2006. damn. i am going with genting with my family though. will be back on sunday night. i am going to miss a lot of things, especially my friends and my laptop.

i am going to miss jane!
i am going to miss audrey!
i am going to miss diyana, syed, asyraf, saiful & the rest of the guys!
i am going to miss for this cycle performing at scape this weekend. damn!
i am going to miss sufi dufi. dude, i am sorry.
i am going to miss my bed and my laptop!

so i will see you guys soon. wish me for a safe trip aites.
